I just saw following Prison Vs Work jokes over at jDonuts and just had to mention it.
To mention just one of them:
IN PRISON…you must deal with sadistic wardens.
AT WORK…they are called managers
The jokes are all a bit too true and that’s a bit scary but I will at any time choose work over prison.
Head over to the jDonuts Jokes for more good fun.
I’d have to weigh my options carefully. In prison, you get 3 free meals a day, cable tv, free college courses, free health care, and you don’t pay rent or a mortgage. Let’s see what do I get by working- a paycheck that disappears as soon as I get it, nosy co-workers, supervisors who are idiots and a 6×6 cubicle. Makes prison sound pretty good.
Beth, just keep one thing in mind.. There is one serious issue: NO BLOGGING from prison. Well, I guess that’s the case.
So you better stay out of prison.
Hey! I just noticed this post as I was on a Drop Run.
Thanks for the link!
Btw, you might like to enter my comp
Hi, I know this is off topic but I love the little man icon that is dancing in the browser! How can I do that for my blog? Its so cute!!