Shopping for books

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Shopping for books

Amazon gave me 25% discount

This is not first time I get discount from Amazon, I got one or two vouchers worth 5 EURO or so before, but this time it total rocked, a total discount on 25% on ALL books I order. This is just because I live in Switzerland and am ordering from Amazon in Germany. Thanks a lot.

I had a few books marked as “wishes” so I went ahead and fine tuned that a bit but damn, it was hard not to go total crazy.

So let’s see what I ended up with…

Bold Visions: A Digital Painting Bible by Gary Tonge
This book just HAD to be the first one to be mentioned. I have worked together with the author on some game projects in the past and he always impressed me with his talent. His illustrations of space are fantastic and I have several times been close to order some of them as posters. I strongly suggest that you visit his web site to view the art he creates –> Vision Afar Also visit his section on DeviantART to view more of his creations.

Time for some Poker books

I have recently started playing poker again and with this great option from Amazon I saw a good chance to extend my poker book collection.

Every Hand Revealed by Gus Hansen
The book by Gus Hansen is a pre-order, for some reason it is not out here yet; this is one I will be looking forward to sit with a coffee and read about the hands he played when he became the 2007 Aussie Millions Champion. I do wonder if the book will be as interesting as when you watch Gus Hansen play. This book is also been translated into German: Hand für Hand

Poker Wizards: Wizdom from the World’s Top No-Limit Hold’em Poker Players
So yet another poker book with parts written by some of the most known (and best) Poker players in the world, to mention a few: Daniel Negreanu, Dan Harrington, Chris “Jesus” Ferguson, Gus Hansen. I do have other books that have chapters written by some of these authors/players and I enjoyed them a lot. So one more to look forward to.

Sit ‘n Go Strategy by Collin Moshman
The sub-title of this book is Expert Advice for Beating One-Table Poker Tournaments. Since this is one of my favorite games I thought it might be a good read; get some more tips and tricks and fine tune my strategy, or at least get a strategy :-)

Time for some Game Development books

It has been years since I bought books that covered programming or game development but there have been a few books that I had on my wish list for some time. They will probably be helpful in connection with my work and I’m pretty sure I could have gotten them through work but I do want them for my own home library.

Game Programming Gems 6 and 7
Game Programming Gems 6 and 7 are the two latest books in this series but that does not mean I have them all; actually these are the first two for my collection. I have often looked at the earlier books in book stores or at game conferences but never got around to buy them. I’m sure that part 1 to 5 also will find a place here at some stage.

3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development
I never been a wizard when it comes to math but always wanted to learn more of it and be able to use it without having to look up every bit on the internet. This will also be very good for the current project I’m working on as it is very heavy on 3D. So time to get that sorted out.

Time to wait for the books

Some of the books ordered above will be arriving soon; some will take weeks which actually suits me fine. If I received all the books at the same time then I would probably just get confused about where to start. When getting them over a longer time they will keep me busy and keep me away from Amazon :-) No need to order more books for some time.

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