Author: Sam Nova

WWW is live

My good friend Paul Conway finally got his web site live today; I have been following the creation of it over the last few weeks and got to admit that the final result is pretty good. Background on Paul is that he is a freelance graphics artist; specialized in game art/graphics but this does not […]


Johnny Cash and Wet Trailer

In mid October I saw the trailer/teaser for the upcoming game Wet (Sierra Entertainment, Artificial Mind); what made this trailer stand out compared to other game trailers was not that it features a good looking woman or that it was a violent trailer. Nope, seen that too often now, what made it stand out for […]


Christmas time and contest time

So here we are; December already started so time to prepare for Christmas. Sure most retail stores had Christmas in their stores for awhile but the online world is also in Christmas mood. One of them is with their All I want for Christmas Giveaway I suggest all readers of this blog from the […]

Xbox 360

Yet another broken XBox 360

In the previous post from 13th of November (Repaired XBox 360 Returned Today) I mentioned that Mario won the race about getting his XBox 360 back. Quick summary, my XBox died and so did Mario’s. We both got in contact with Microsoft on the same day so we had a little race about who would […]

Xbox 360

Repaired XBox 360 Returned Today

As mentioned some weeks ago (XBox 360 repair time) my XBox 360 had entered the Red Ring of Death and wasn’t working at all. So I got in touch with the XBox support people and got arranged for the XBox to be repaired. All roads of Broken XBox’s leads to Teleplan Germany My friend Mario […]

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